Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Nepali - German- Nepali translation
There is no long tradition behind German and Nepali translations. It was a neglected field until recently. However, it has been started lately and gradually becoming available for the German learners esp. for Nepali people.
There are few books in Nepali medium which are quite good for beginners to learn the basic German language. I am not familiar with any published German-Nepali dictionaries. But there is a very good dictionary available in PDF file which everyone can download from this site:, which is compiled by Karl-Heinz Krämer, South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg.
Thanks a lot to Karl-Heinz; I hope he will dedicate some more time in future and publish an elegant dictionary for all the readers and learners of Nepali and German languages.
I did not find any Nepali literature translated into German. Recently, I had a correspondence with Narayan Wagle, writer of 'Palpasa Cafe', a national prize winning Nepali novel. He had agreed to have translation of Novel in the German language. I hope this project will be done soon in future.
Want to learn German?
There is a good book in Nepali medium written by Mr. Ramesh Adhikari(ISBN 99946-970-8-0). This is a Deutsch-Nepali-Deutsch book, and is useful for both Nepali and German learners. He has tried to include both Grammar exercises and conversational examples. However, he is not been able to include all cutural matters which have a great value while learning a language! I hope you can buy this book in Kathmandu!
Infact, there are many books in English medium. But there is one by Mr. Paul Coggle and Heiner Schenke, called 'Teach yourself German', this is a quite useful book. I found it very useful to know the basic German language. The writers are able to inform about the general culture of German people, and they have also compared the German language with some aspects of Englsih. So this quite useful for adult learners to learn German.
There are few books in Nepali medium which are quite good for beginners to learn the basic German language. I am not familiar with any published German-Nepali dictionaries. But there is a very good dictionary available in PDF file which everyone can download from this site:, which is compiled by Karl-Heinz Krämer, South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg.
Thanks a lot to Karl-Heinz; I hope he will dedicate some more time in future and publish an elegant dictionary for all the readers and learners of Nepali and German languages.
I did not find any Nepali literature translated into German. Recently, I had a correspondence with Narayan Wagle, writer of 'Palpasa Cafe', a national prize winning Nepali novel. He had agreed to have translation of Novel in the German language. I hope this project will be done soon in future.
Want to learn German?
There is a good book in Nepali medium written by Mr. Ramesh Adhikari(ISBN 99946-970-8-0). This is a Deutsch-Nepali-Deutsch book, and is useful for both Nepali and German learners. He has tried to include both Grammar exercises and conversational examples. However, he is not been able to include all cutural matters which have a great value while learning a language! I hope you can buy this book in Kathmandu!
Infact, there are many books in English medium. But there is one by Mr. Paul Coggle and Heiner Schenke, called 'Teach yourself German', this is a quite useful book. I found it very useful to know the basic German language. The writers are able to inform about the general culture of German people, and they have also compared the German language with some aspects of Englsih. So this quite useful for adult learners to learn German.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
युवाहरुको जोस!
मैले नेपाल प्लसमा एउटा जोसिलो लेखमा गरेको कमेन्ट
समग्रमा लेख समसामयिक हुनुका साथै राम्रो पनि छ। तर लेखक अलि उग्र रुपमा प्रसतुत हुनु भएको जस्तो देखिन्छ जुन कुरा केहि मित्रहरुले भन्नु भएको पनि छ। जे भए पनि मैले यो कुरालाइ युवा मानसिक्ताको उपजको रुपमा धारण गरेको छु। नेपालको झन्झटिलो कानुन, जे कुरामा पनि नातावाद, जे कुरामा पनि लामो प्रक्रिया र राजनितिक समस्याले गर्दा लगभग सबै युवा उग्र भएको देखिन्छ। यहि उग्रता कसैको मसिबाट पोखिन लागिसकेको छ। साथिहरुले कत्तिको बिचार गर्नु भएको छ कुन्नि, मैले त लगभग धेरै युवाहरुको लेखमा एक प्रकारको अावेग पाउछु। र यो एकदाम जायज पनि छ । तर त्यो अावेग केवल मसि बनेर केहि पेज रंगियर देशमा केहि हुन्न; मलाइ पुर्ण अाशा छ, एक दिन युवाहरुको अावेकले सिमा नाघ्ने छ र देशमा नयाँ परिवर्तन ल्याउने छ।
समग्रमा लेख समसामयिक हुनुका साथै राम्रो पनि छ। तर लेखक अलि उग्र रुपमा प्रसतुत हुनु भएको जस्तो देखिन्छ जुन कुरा केहि मित्रहरुले भन्नु भएको पनि छ। जे भए पनि मैले यो कुरालाइ युवा मानसिक्ताको उपजको रुपमा धारण गरेको छु। नेपालको झन्झटिलो कानुन, जे कुरामा पनि नातावाद, जे कुरामा पनि लामो प्रक्रिया र राजनितिक समस्याले गर्दा लगभग सबै युवा उग्र भएको देखिन्छ। यहि उग्रता कसैको मसिबाट पोखिन लागिसकेको छ। साथिहरुले कत्तिको बिचार गर्नु भएको छ कुन्नि, मैले त लगभग धेरै युवाहरुको लेखमा एक प्रकारको अावेग पाउछु। र यो एकदाम जायज पनि छ । तर त्यो अावेग केवल मसि बनेर केहि पेज रंगियर देशमा केहि हुन्न; मलाइ पुर्ण अाशा छ, एक दिन युवाहरुको अावेकले सिमा नाघ्ने छ र देशमा नयाँ परिवर्तन ल्याउने छ।
Thursday, April 16, 2009
नयाँ भाषाको सम्बन्धमा ।
नेपालका भाषाहरु सर्वेक्षण गर्ने क्रममा पुर्व नेपालमा 'माल पहाडे' भन्ने नयाँ भाषा फेला पऱ्यो भन्ने कुरामा केहि भन्न मन लाग्यो । पहिलो कुरा त यस भाषाको नाम पत्रीकामा भने जस्तो 'माल पहाडे' नभइ 'माल पहरिया' हो । यो भाषा नेपालमा अहिले भेटिएता पनि इण्डियाको झारखण्ड प्रदेश र बंगलादेशको केहि समतल भुभागहरुमा निकै पहिले देखि बोलिदै अाएको भाषा हो । जुन कुराको पुष्टिकोलागि भाषिक सर्वेक्षण इण्डियाका दस्तावेजहरु हेर्दा पनि हुन्छ । सादरी वा सद्री जस्तै यो भारोपेली परिवारको भाषा भएता पनि यस्को व्याकरण निकै हद सम्म मुन्डा र द्रविण परिवारका भाषाहरु सगँ मिल्दो छ । संयोगवस अाज नै मैल सादरी/सद्री भाषा सम्बन्धि गरियको अनुसन्धानको कक्षा पनि लिने अवसर पाए, यो भाषा पत्रीकामा भने जस्तो किसान भाषा होइन । किसान र सादरी दुइ अलग अलग भाषाहरु हुन, जस मध्य सादरी भारतको झारखण्डमा करिब २ मिलियन बक्ताले बोल्ने भाषा हो ।
Friday, April 3, 2009
प्रेमको कबिता

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प्रेम कुमार लामा, हाल कतार
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