Thursday, August 28, 2008

why Prachanda dressed in western style!

Do you know why Prachanda, the recent priminister of Nepal did not use the national dress of Nepal? He broke the tradition in this regard and dressed Shirt-pant-coat-tie. Do you think there is any reason behind it?

I think Prachanda is very clever. He likes to wear what so called daura surwal. But he knows the recent situation of daura-surwal. In past, lots of politicians, senior officials and kings misused the national dress. They corrupted the nation wearing this dress. Due to the bad behavior of the daura-surwal dressed people, the society gradually developed a negative attitude towards this dress. What do you think? Then the normal people of the society did not believe and even started to hate such people who are dressing DS! Prachanda knows it well. So he changed or lets call shifted to new dress, 'shirt-pant-coat-tie'. Lets see what goes in future!

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