Saturday, May 31, 2008

गणतन्त्र नेपाल जिन्दावाद !


- विक्रम सुब्बा

लेखिँदैछ अब एउटा नयाँ किताब

मानिसहरू भन्दैछन्

किताबको कुनै पनि अध्यायमा

राजाका जुँगावाला टोपीले शिर उठाउँने छैन

रानीका कुटील मुस्कान कतै पोतिने छैन

युवराजका कामुक ठट्टाहरूको विवरण लेखिने छैन

युवराज्ञीको शिरमा दैवी शक्तीको ताज पहिर्‍याइने छैन

के के होला त त्यो किताबमा ?

किताबको कुनै पनि खण्डमा

पार्टीक अड्डाहरू

भाडाका टाँगन घोडा बाँध्ने अस्तवल हुने छैन

मन्त्रालयका नयाँ कुर्सीमा

पुरानो छाँयाले जागिर खाने छैन

व्यापारीको बगैँचाका हाँगाहरूमा

बेभिचारका सन्तानजस्तो फल फल्ने छैन

कतैबाट संचालित कुनै सिल्लीहरूले

संसदको माइकबाट विष फुक्ने छैन

गाउँ-घर-टोलको सुरक्षाको निम्ती

कुनै बन्दुकेको राइफल भर्ति हुने छैन

के के होला त त्यो किताबमा ?

किताबको कुनै पनि दफामा

महिलाका उज्याला आँखा थुन्ने आँशु हुने छैन

रैथाने मानिसको किपटका पर्खालबाट ढुंगाहरू थुतेर

पुराण वाचन गर्नेको आशन निर्माण हुने छैन

स्वदेश गानका ढुकढुकी चल्दा

दलितका छातीको धुनलाई विरहको पहिरोले तान्ने छैन

मधेसका निकुञ्जहरूबाट निस्किरहेका सुगंधहरूलाई कसैले

देसद्रोही कुर्ता र अनागरिक सुरुवाल पहिर्‍याउँने छैन

कर्णालीको नौरंगे डाँफेलाई फसाउँने इन्द्रजाल हुने छैन

के के होला त त्यो किताबमा ?

किताबको कुनै पनि हरफमा

लिम्बुवानको कञ्चनजंघामा स्वतन्त्र डुल्ने

ध्वाँसे-थ्याप्चे चितुवालाई धराप थापिने छैन

खम्बुवान-अरुणको हाक्पारालाई फसाउँने ढोडिया हुने छैन

तमुवान र मगरातलाई धसाउँने पाताले छाँगो हुने छैन

थरुहट र तामाङसालिङको निधारमा कालो वादल हुने छैन

झुप्राका छानाहरू जगल्ट्याउँने वतासको तुफान हुने छैन

खलंगातिर झरिरहेको बहुमुल्य जडीबुटी

कथाको केवल असहाय घाइते पात्र हुने छैन

तराइका अन्न सिरिफ चण्डालका लोकगीतको गेडा हुने छैन

के के होला त त्यो किताबमा ?

किताबको कुनै पनि अनुसूचिमा

मानिसका मुटु-कलेजो भेदन गर्ने सुइरो हुने छैन

छोरी-बुहारीको अस्मितालाई मुडाझैँ चिर्ने खञ्जहर हुने छेन

किसानको खेतले विधवा बस्ने मौसम आउँने छैन

मजदुरका हातहरू तुरुङ ठोक्ने शान्ति हुने छैन

विद्यार्थीका पठनपाठन रोक्ने घडि घुम्ने छैन

गायकले गीत गाउँदा कुनै हुकुमी ताल बज्ने छैन

कविहरूका अराजक उडानलाई बाँध्ने संहिता हुने छैन

स्वर्गजस्तो यो मेरो मुलुकमा

राक्षस उत्पादन गर्ने कारखाना हुने छैन

अब तिमी नै भन,

के के होला त त्यो किताबमा

नोवल किशोर राईको थपनी

आसेवारो आदाङबे!
त्यो किताबमा म् दुईहरफ थप्न चाहन्छु
गणतन्त्रको रातो-तातो सलाम!
त्यो किताबमा म अलिकती खम्बुवानको मानचित्र कोर्न खोजिरहेछु,
त्यो मानचित्रमा म कतै किरात प्रदेशको चोमोलुङ्गमा हेर्न खोजिरहेछु!

Nepal at the cross-road

Prof. Novel Kishore Rai

Abstract of his talk given at the University of Viena, Austria on 4th June, 2008

Nepal has come to a crossroads. She is bewildered and trying to figure out the right path for her. Every moment a new incidence either good or bad is taking place. These new happenings create ripples and waves in the Nepali community. They also open small windows for the indigenous (Adivasi/Janajaties) people of the country. They are now able to see themselves and the world in the morning light that comes through these small windows and lights the dark room where they have been living from centuries. We hope this morning light will lead them to a bright and sunny day.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Poor ex-King of Nepal

The Nepali government warned on Tuesday that it could use force to throw unpopular King Gyanendra out of the royal palace if he refuses to leave voluntarily after the 239-year-old monarchy is abolished.

A special assembly elected in April is scheduled to hold its first meeting on Wednesday and formally declare an end to the monarchy, a key part of a 2006 peace deal with Maoist former rebels that ended a decade-long civil war.

"The king must leave the palace immediately and move to the Nirmal Niwas," Peace and Reconstruction Minister Ram Chandra Poudel said, referring to Gyanendra's private home.

"If he does not leave the palace then the government might have to use force to vacate the palace," he said. "This will not be good for him."

Images of the real fieldwork

Novel K. Rai heading towards his linguistic fieldwork: Tangkera

Hardworking Linguist: Prof. Novel K Rai

Prof. Novel Kishore Rai has been working in the field of language documentation and description for 25 years. He has been awarded Ph.D. for his extensive work on the Bantawa language. He is basically interested in the morphology of Kiranti languages of Nepal. 

In 1994, he worked on Puma which is spoken in Khotang district of Nepal. He collected verb paradigms and also some notes on grammatical description. 

Currently, he has been working in the Chintang language with Prof. Balthasar Bickel. 
During his field work, he visits the remote places, records and describes the language in his lab. 

Now, he is also working hard to publish his Bantawa thesis as 'A Reference Grammar of Bantawa'. This is one of his very crucial and important work in the field of language and linguistics. 

Lovely cat

wow! What a cat

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Student Research Workshop in USA

ACL 2008 Student Research Workshop

Columbus Ohio, United States
Date: 15 Jun 2008
to 20 Jun 2008 URL:

The Student Research Workshop is an established tradition at ACL conferences. The workshop provides a venue for student researchers investigating topics in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing to present their work and receive feedback. Participants will have the opportunity to receive feedback from a general audience as well as from panelists; the panelists are experienced researchers who will prepare in-depth comments and questions in advance of the presentation.

Republic Day

The Constituent Assembly had yesterday declared Nepal a federal democratic republic and instructed the government to order Gyanendra Shah to vacate the palace within 15 days. The CA had also passed a motion introduced by the government to turn the sprawling palace into a national museum.

Lets hope for the peace and prosperous  Nepal in the days to come.

Linguistic Workshop in Germany

TAG+9 The Ninth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms

Tuebingen, Germany
Date: 7 Jun 2008
to 8 Jun 2008 URL:

DAAD Scholarship open

There are lots of blogs which provide information on the political issues and events of Nepal and the world as well. One can find hundreds of blogs which contain literary works and the entertaining materials. But I did not find any educational blogs. So this blog tries to disseminate the educational information. I will tries to post information about scholarships and educational jobs. 

Here goes the first educational news: DAAD which is one of the prestigious scholarship of Germany is open now. The application deadline is the 15th of August. One can send his application directly to the University or he/she can submit it at the German Embassy as well. 

Good luck with your application process!!!
This guy who is wearing black leather coat is my short time friend whom I met at Qatar airport when I was passing through Qatar in the last December. I had a small talk with him. He had said that he was going home after 4 years. 

I tried to read his face to some extent and found that he was not happy even if he is heading for home after such a long time. I asked slightly, but he did not like to mention in detail. 

The next problem is that I could not deliver his photo to him, coz he forgot to give him contact to me.


First Day of my Blog

I read many nepali and foreign blogs and I really liked the idea of blogging my own thoughts. I have just created this blog. I hope it goes well.