Friday, May 30, 2008

Hardworking Linguist: Prof. Novel K Rai

Prof. Novel Kishore Rai has been working in the field of language documentation and description for 25 years. He has been awarded Ph.D. for his extensive work on the Bantawa language. He is basically interested in the morphology of Kiranti languages of Nepal. 

In 1994, he worked on Puma which is spoken in Khotang district of Nepal. He collected verb paradigms and also some notes on grammatical description. 

Currently, he has been working in the Chintang language with Prof. Balthasar Bickel. 
During his field work, he visits the remote places, records and describes the language in his lab. 

Now, he is also working hard to publish his Bantawa thesis as 'A Reference Grammar of Bantawa'. This is one of his very crucial and important work in the field of language and linguistics. 


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