The recent victory of Barack Obama is not just a simple thing that happened recently in US election. There are lots of issues behind it, and it can be analysed globally.
I would like to point this change as a global change. A black person became the USA's president for the first time in the history of USA. It is good thing that the majority gradually started to respect and value minority group. It can be linked with a famous English saying 'every dog has a day'.
This is completely a new turn in the politics of the world. The minority groups are gradually becoming more aware towards their language, culture, status and so on. In the same way, the majority group or the so-called high level people began to realize something...for the minority groups.
For such changes, Nepal is one step a head than USA. It can observed in the election of Nepal. The participation of minority groups is really appreciative. A completely normal citizen of Nepal, who comes from a rural life and an ethnic background, become the president of Nepal.
Such changes is happening everywhere in the world politics. The is really a new turn in the world. The time has been changed.
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