Monday, June 23, 2008
How Girija will be known in the history?
But after the death of his brothers and the restoration of Democracy in Nepal. He was awarded Koirala dynasty. With his all tricks he became able to ruin other top founder leaders of the party and he became the supreme in the Nepli congress Party of Nepal. As congress was one of the biggest and supreme party of Nepal, he became able to announce himself as a supreme leader of the Nepal. His luck, he became supreme in the history of Nepal for the last 20 years. He was always become in the top post. People started to compare him with King. It was true, he was a king with out throne.
In 2008 CA election, his partly seriously lost the election. Same fate with the other big party CNNUML. But he did not accept this verdict. He still leads the government as the president of Nepal.
On the basis of various online blogs, webs and news, we can see that more than 70 percent of the people want the Maoists to form a new government under their leadership. I read most of the comments and found that more than 70 percent of the commentators are against Girija’s autocracy. They think that he is the man one who is not supporting to form a new government under the Maoists leadership.
I also agree with the mass. Girija should resign and open the door for the new government which will be lead by the so called maobadi of Nepal. I am not in the favor of them, I am not biased; it is their right being on of the largest party of nepal. We want to see what they will do. Infact, the whole Nepli Janta want to see new government under the moaists leadership. Nepli congress should understand it, and help them.
Girija should choose whether he wants to be known as a hero in the history or a greedy politician who always wanted to be in power. It is up to him know! I wish his him good luck for the rest of the life.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Syntax of the World's Languages III

Free University of Berlin, September 25-28, 2008
The 'Syntax of the World's Languages' conference series provides a forum for linguists working on less widely studied languages or varieties of languages. Contributions are expected to be data-driven, preferentially based on first hand data. Comparative and diachronic papers are also highly welcome. The discussion of theoretical issues is appreciated to the extent that it helps to elucidate the data. The list of topics relevant to the conference includes:
- interesting aspects of basic clause structure
- argument structure (e.g. grammatical relations, diathesis, linking)
- intra-clausal dependencies (e.g. agreement, binding)
- inter-clausal dependencies (e.g. reference tracking, subordination)
- the expression of information structure
- interaction between syntax and other areas of grammar (morphology, phonology, semantics)
The use of specific syntactic frameworks is encouraged, but presentations should be understandable without prior knowledge of relevant theory. visit:
Leipzig: A city of east Germany

Leipzig is, with a population of over 510,200, the largest city in the federal state of Saxony, Germany. It is situated at the confluence of the RiversPleiße, White Elster and Parthe.
The "Peaceful Revolution" in 1989 which lead to the "Wende" and the reunification of Germany was initiated in Leipzig[citation needed]. The city's rich tradition in music and culture is mainly based on the work of Johann Sebastian Bach and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and finds its expresson in the worldwide famousness of theGewandhausorchester and the Thomanerchor.
Leipzig is well-known for its university and its trade fair. Germany's first labour partywas founded in the city.
Leipzig's name is derived from the Slavic word Lipsk, which means "settlement where the linden trees (US; lime trees in UK) stand".[2] An obsolete English spelling of the name was Leipsic.
The Bicycle Capital of Germany

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Gajal-from-Kirshna Binyas
– lzj ;l:dt
ltd|f] d]/f] 3/ afg]{ xNnf rNof5 /]
cfkmGtn] dfof dfg]{ xNnf rNof5 /] .
slt b'v ePYof], :jKgdxn agfpg
eTsfP/ To;nfO{ vfg]{, xNnf rNof5 /] .
Ps} lyof] b'O{ d'6', b'v;'v afF8\gnfO{
5'6fP/ k/ ;fg]{, xNnf rNof5 /]
w]/} pFrf] lyof] xfd|f] k|]dsf] d'No a/}
lgd]ifd} tn emfg]{, xNnf rNof5 /] .
cgfof;} a:of] dfof, hfteft x]l/Pg,
;dfhdf PSnf] kfg]{, xNnf rNof5 /] .
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Huge increase in Nepalese students in Aus
The latest figures from the federal Government's Australian Education International show that in the 12 months to September, commencements by students from Nepal increased by 504 per cent, or 2884 students. AEI says Nepal is Australia's 11th biggest source country. It has the second highest growth in commencements after India.
The surge in commencements helped enrolments of Nepalese students to skyrocket by 290per cent to 7569 students in the year to September, when the overall increase in international enrolments was 7.1 per cent.
political instability caused by a Maoist insurgency, Australia's good education reputation and high standard of living were the main reasons for the nepalese students.
Many students also feel that---getting a visa easier than in previous years as well.
Word of mouth helped: "Every Nepalese student who returns gives good information about Australia,
The federal immigration and citizenship department eased student visa rules in these days.
(News from various sources)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Positive Nepali People