Saturday, July 20, 2013

All in one for students interested to study English courses in the USA

The resource is a comprehensive and informative resource that systematically sorts out the available English undergraduate and graduate programs available today in the U.S. I think this information is very valuable to students today who are not only dealing with the competitive nature of higher education, but also the rising costs of it.

The database was created, with the National Center for Education Statistics, attempts to sort through more than 19,000 education programs at 2,240 universities across the nation. With the competitive nature of higher education and a plethora of graduate programs across the United States, we identified the need to help compile and sort through all this information. Working with the National Center for Education Statistics, we plan to continuously research and update the database, as these education programs change frequently. More importantly, this database will remain free and open to all users forever.
If you need more information about this site or resource bank, please contact Victoria Baker, email: <>

Friday, November 9, 2012

Reading Nepali news from Europe: leader or daku

I was not a big fan of everyday news when I was in Nepal. Actually, I started reading news only when I was in my master's degree in Tribhuvan University (TU) (2002 AD). After completing master's from TU, I started browsing daily newspapers for regular political and social updates. Oh, I forgot to mention that I was highly interested in advertisements, too. Mostly foreign advertisements of educational consultancies, scholarships, bideshi education, blah blah. It was a fun to make calls to educational consultancies of Kathmandu after noting their phone numbers from the newspapers.

I did not get much time to follow news when I were working as a research assistant in Chintang and Puma Documentation project in Dhankuta. Agga! Chintangbe them patrika!

But now, after I came to Germany, reading Nepali news everyday became a part of daily ritual. Feels like, I missed something if I do not browse Nepali news-pages and some popular blogs. Everyday I open computer early in the morning with a big hope to get some good news. But they hardly bring any positive news. Then I remember the statement-- ''good news is no news!'' May be this is the reason there are hundreds of daily and weekly news papers in such a tiny country to cover all the bad news of the nation. And the next thing is that a bad news can easily make a news addict to someone. It becomes more complicate if you take it with your tea/coffee early in the morning.

I see a drama ~ may be a political drama in Nepal. Country itself is very good and highly blessed with different natural resources throughout the nation. But at the same time it is cursed with bad leaders. Did I say leaders? No no, they are not leaders, but simply dakus! Because leader is the one who leads you, and the daku is the one who robs you. If I borrow a Nepali jharro word from Khagendra Sangrolla, I have to use a prefix maha- to intensify the meaning of daku to justify the real semantics of Nepali so-called leaders.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

राजनितिले पुऱ्याएको एउटा असर:

पहिले हाम्रो गाउँघर तिर भनिन्थ्यो कि नयाँ कुरा थाहा पाउन, नयाँ मान्छे चिन्न चिया पसलमा जानुपर्दछ। सायद त्यसैले होला अाफ्नो घरको काम नै बिताएर पनि चिया पसलमा मान्छेहरूको राम्रो जमघट हुने गर्दथ्यो। गाउँका स्थानिय छोटे नेताहरूको गफ दिने राम्रो क्लब हुने गर्दथ्यो चिया पसल। अाजका ठूला भनाउदा नेताहरू पनि कतिपय त त्यहि हिजोका चिया पसलबाट नै राजनितिक प्रशिक्षण पाएका होलान। तर अाजको दिनमा सुचना र संचार जगतमा अत्याधिक बिकास भएको छ। हामीले कुनै पनि कुराको जानकारि घरैमा बसि जान्न वा अाफ्नो भनाइ राख्न सक्दौं। सुचना र संचारमा नेपालले पनि राम्रो प्रगति गरेको छ। अनलाइन मिडियाको त बाढि नै अाएको छ। जसले गर्दा हामी जहाँ रहेता पनि कस्ले रातो पासपोर्ट बेच्यो, कस्ले के गऱ्यो तुरुन्त जानकारि पाउदछौं। ब्लगहरूका माध्ययमा त झन देशमा घटेका घटनाहरूका साथै स्वदेश र बिदेश दुबै ठाउँमा रहेका नेपालीहरूले त्यसमा गरेका ताजा प्रतििक्रया समेत पढन सकिन्छ। कतिपय समयमा त मुख्य लेख भन्दा पनि पाठकहरूबाट अाएका प्रतिक्रयाहरूले एक किसिमको जनमत नै निर्धारण गरेका हुन्छन। केहि दिन अघि बिबिसि नेपालीले गरेको अनुमान अनुसार ८०% भन्दा बढि न्युज र प्रतिक्रया राजनितिमा नै केन्द्रित हुन्छ। कतिपय लेख र धेरै जसो प्रतिक्रयाले हामी सबै नेपाली जन्ता स्वदेस वा बिदेश जहाँ रहेका पनि देशको राजनैतिक कारणले गर्दा उदास छौं भन्ने कुरा दर्साएको देखिन्छ। हामी अाफुले बर्तमान समयमा गरेको काममा भन्दा पनि देशको स्थितिमा बढि चिन्तित छौं। यस्ता राजनैतिक घटनाहरूका समाचार हेर्दा र पढदा हाम्रो मानसिक अवस्था कस्तो हुन्छ, हाम्रो कति समय यस्ता समाचारमा बर्बाद हुदैछ, केहि गर्ने समयमा हामीलाइ यस्ता अाफ्नो देशमा घटेका राजनैतिक घटनाहरूले कति पिडा दिन्छन भन्ने कुराको म यहाँ चर्चा गर्दछु।

यसै सन्दर्भको वरिपरि रहेर मैले एउटा सानो सर्भे गरेको थिए केहि समय अघि। त्यहि सर्भेमा मैले देखेका र मलाइ लागेका केहि कुराहरु अाज म यहाँ राख्दछु। कुरा यहाँ जर्मनीको लाइपचिख सहरमा पि एच डि गर्दै गरेको एउटा प्यालेसटाइनको साथिबाट सुरु गर्दछु। म लगाएत बिभिन्न देशबाट अाएका ११ जना बिद्यार्थीहरू जर्मन भाषा सिकिरहेका थियौं। सबैजना जर्मनी कै डाड फेलोसिपमा अध्ययन गरिरहेका थियौं। कलास नियमित जानु पर्ने, गृहकार्य नियमित गर्नु पर्ने हुन्थ्यो। सधै जसो नै कलासमा बिभिन्न समूहमा छलफल गर्नु पर्ने र बोल्नु पर्ने हुन्थ्यो। यसै क्रममा मैले प्यालेसटाइनको साथिलाइ अलिक नजिकबाट वाच गरिरहेको थिए। उस्को अानिवानि हेर्दा मलाइ उ अरु भन्दा निक्कै भिन्न भएजस्तो लाग्थ्यो। कक्षामा जहिले पनि छलफलमा भाग लिदा सुरुवात शिक्षकले दिएको बिषय बस्तुमा भएता पनि अन्तय जहिले पनि उस्ले अाफ्नो देशको राजनिति, अमेरिकाले इराकमा गरेको अाक्रमण अादिमा लगेर जोड्थ्यो। मुख्य गरि उस्ले जहिले पनि छलफललाइ अाफ्नो देशको राजनितिमा लगेर जोडने र निक्कै भावुक हुने, घरिघरि उत्तेजनामा अाउने उस्को बानि थियो। मैले यहाँ प्यालेसटाइनको राजनितिको कुरा गर्दिन। त्यहाँको खराब राजनितिले गर्दा त्यहाँका जन्तामा परेको बर्जपात अध्ययनको छुट्टै बिषय बस्तु बन्ला। मैले यहाँ केवल त्यहाँको राजनितिबाट उ बिदेसमा रहदा पनि कति अाक्रान्त छ, उस्मा कति पिडा छ, उ जर्मनी बसेर अध्ययन गर्दा पनि उस्को मन र मष्तिस्क किन हरपल उस्कै देशमा छ भन्ने कुरालाइ मनन गर्न खोजेको हुँ। मलाइ मेक्सिकोको साथिले भनेको थियो, ‘अलि भिडमा पनि एक्लै हुन्छ’। हो उ साच्चै त्यस्तै थियो, उ अाफ्नो देशको राजनितिमा एतिसम्म चिन्तित थियो कि, उस्लाइ अाफ्नो अगाडि के हुदै छ भन्ने कुराको कुनै ख्याल हुदैन्थ्यो। त्यसैगरि नाइजेरिया, केनियाका साथिहरु पनि निकै चिन्तित पायँ मैले। यहि कुरामा रहेर मैले पछि साउथ एसियाका केहि विद्यार्थीहरुको बिचार गर्दा पाकिसतानी र अफगानिसतानी साथिहरु बढि नै चिन्तित पायँ। साएद उनिहरुको देशमा तनाव पनि हाम्रोमा भन्दा बढि नै भएर होला। अाफ्नो देशको चिन्ता लिनु, नियमित रुपमा समाचार लिनु न निस्चय पनि राम्रो कुरा नै हो। तर बर्तमान समयमा अाफ्नो काम ब्यवसायमा नै धक्का पुग्ने गरि चिन्तालिनु कति सम्म जायज होला?

यसै क्रममा मलाइ नेपालबाट बिदेश अध्ययन गर्न वा काम गर्न भनेर अाएकाहरुको केहि जानकारि लिन मनलाग्यो र मैले भेटेका र देखेका साथिहरूलाइ अलिक नजदिकबाट नियाल्न लागें। तर यो कुनै बिसतृत अध्ययन होइन। मेरो सानो अध्ययनले देखेको कुरा म यहाँ राख्दछु। त्यसैले तपाईको परिवेस र तपाई रहेको देशमा यो भन्दा भिन्न परिवेस भए मलाइ माफ गर्नु होला। सबै भन्दा पहिले उमेर समुह अन्तर्गत हेर्दा: २५ देखि करिव ४० बर्षको उमेर भए पछि नेपाल छोडेकाहरुले पाए सम्म बिदेशमा पनि नियमित जसो नै विभिन्न माध्ययम द्वारा देशको खबर लिन्छन। प्राय: दैनिक जसो नेपालबाट प्रकासित हुने अनलाइन पत्रिकाहरू हेर्छन, ब्लगहरू हेर्छन, अाफुलाइ लागेको कुरा कमेन्ट पनि लेखिहाल्छन। यस समुहमा पनि ३० बर्ष भन्दा बढि उमेर भएकाहरुले खोजि खोजि भएता पनि देशको समाचार पढछन्, ब्लग पढने र लेख्ने गर्दछन। नेपालमा हुने सानो भन्दा सानो घटनाको पनि ख्याल राख्छन। र त्यस्ता घटेका घटनाको यहाँ पनि निक्कै चर्चा गर्छन। यसको तुलनामा नेपालबाट १२ कक्षा सम्मको अध्ययन गरि बिदेसियका (१८ देखि २२ बर्ष) उमेर समुहकाहरुले देशको राजनितिमा त्यति धेरै चासो राखेको र निकै नै ठुला घटना घटेको जानकरी नपाए सम्म नेपाली न्युज पढने गरेको पाइयन। नेपाली राजनिति र राजनितिक समाचारमा उनिहरुलाइ धेरै चासो भएको देखिएन। त्यसै गरि धरै अघि देखि बिदेशमा परिवार सहित रहेका, स्थाइ बसोबास गर्ने अनुमति पनि प्राप्त गरेका, नियमित काम भएका ४०/४५ बर्ष भन्दा माथि उमेर समुहकाहरूले अाक्कल झुक्कल मात्र नेपाली न्युज हेर्ने गरेको पाइयो। यिनीहरूलाइ ब्लगहरुमा खास्सै चासो रहेको देखिएन।

यो सब अध्ययनको निचोड के त? मेरो सानो अध्ययन अनुसार ३०-३५ बर्ष उमेरसमुह वरिपरिका व्यक्तिहरु नै सबै भन्दा सक्रिय रूपमा नेपालको बढि भन्दा बढि न्युज हेर्ने, पढ्ने, राजनैतिक कुरामा रहेर बादबिवाद वा छलफल गर्ने गरेको पाएँ। र यहि उमेर समुहकालाइ नै राजनैतिक दलहरुले पनि बढि भन्दा बढि प्रयोग गर्दछन। तर यो त जीवनको सबै भन्दा बढि उपलब्धि हासिलका लागि लाग्नु पर्ने उमेर हो। हामी सधै राजनैतिक छलफर र बादबिवादमा नै अलमल गऱ्यौं भने हामीले अाफूलाइ कहिले बिकास गर्ने? राजनितिले केवल नेताहरुलाइ मात्र होइन हामी सर्वसाधारण जन्तालाइ पनि सताएको छ चाहे त्यो नेपालमा होस वा बिदेशमा नै। माथि मैले भने जस्तै प्यालेसटाइन, केनिया, अफगनिसतान वा पाकिसथान जहाँकाले पनि देशको राजनितिमा नै चिन्ता लिदा लिदा अाफुले बर्तमान समयमा के गर्ने हो भन्ने कुराहरु नै संझिन सकेका छैनन्। यो राजनितिक असनतुलनले हामी जस्ता युवाहरुलाइ मानसिक रुमपा दिएको तनाबलाइ कसैले मनन् गरेको होला त? राजनितिले गर्दा देश बिग्रियो भन्दै र त्यो काम न काजको नेताहरूको गलफत्तिका बारेमा सुन्दा र पढिरहदा हाम्रो कति समय बर्वाद भएको छ कसैले बिचार गरे होला त? हामीले प्रत्यक्ष रुपले कुनै पनि राजनैतिक दलको झोला बोकेर समय नबिताएको भएता पनि, उनिहरूले गरेका क्रियाकलाप र उनिहरूले वर्तमान समयमा देखाएको व्यवहार हेर्दा, सुन्दा, पढदा, हामी कति चिन्तित हुन्छौं, हामीले गर्नु पर्ने काम नै बिर्सिन्छौं, र यहि कुरामा नै हामी कति समय बर्वाद गरिरहेका छौं। राजनितिले यस्ता केहि गर्ने समय भएका युवामा पुऱ्याएको यो असरको कसैले बिचार गरे होला त?

-नेत्र प्रसाद पौड्याल
लाइपचिख जर्मनी

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nepali Language and Linguistics

Nepal is a country of great geographic, linguistic and ethnic diversity. Nepali is an official language of Nepal. It is also used as a lingua-franca in-and-out side of Nepal, particularly in Bhutan, Burma and some part of India.

Nepali finite verb inflects for person, number, gender and honorific status of the speech act participants (SAP). But do not worry, Nepali gender system is not crazy like German or Hindi. Nepali exhibits what Massica (1991) labelled an ''attenuated gender system''. It means it only shows biological gender of animate nouns. We don't care inanimate nouns very much and dump all as grammatically masculine! Well, few kinship terms show overt differentiation of gender, example keto 'boy' , keti 'girl'.

Nepali language is not very difficult if you are really interested to climb the mountains of Nepal. Go a head and find some good Nepali teachers having some linguistic knowledge. But I bet the best language teachers are available in the touristic streets of Thamel in Kathmandu! They will surely eat your mind once you are there! However, you will gradually start enjoying it!

Recently I have been glossing some Nepali texts for my research purpose. Oh, I did not find people consistent in using proper glosses. I think there should be something like -- Leipzig glossing rules designed for Nepali linguists too. (One should do it and upload somewhere!)

I just made a very small list for my own purpose which I think I should post in this blog for my own purpose, if not others!

-eko PFV.PTCP (perfective participle)
-ne IPFV.PTCP (imperfective participle)
-era CVB (converb)
-dai PROG (progressive)
-da SIM.CP (simultaneous conjunctive participle)
-na/nu INF (infinitive)

-ko GEN (genitive)
-le ERG/INST (ergative, instrumental)
-laai DAT (dative)
-maa LOC (locative)

This is just a small part of my Nepali glossing file. I could not upload big tables here. Please let me know in my email if someone wants it.

Thanks! See you again!

Happy New Year 2068! नयाँ बर्षको शुभकामना तपाईहरू सबैलाई ।

Saturday, October 3, 2009

South Asian Languages (ICOSAL-9): Conference

Ninth International Conference
South Asian Languages (ICOSAL-9)
JANUARY 7-9, 2010



The ICOSAL-9 is open for general linguistics and language sessions. Research papers in all aspects of Linguistics with special reference to South Asian Languages - phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, semiotics, typology, historical linguistics and language change, language politics, sociolinguistics, psycho-linguistics, neuro-linguistics, discourse analysis, language technologies & computational linguistics, language education, language planning, geolinguistics, language ecology, clinical linguistics, translation studies, field linguistics, lexicography, cognitive science, literacy studies and literary theories – are invited for presentation and discussion.

The Conference also proposes to hold Panel Discussion on important themes of contemporary relevance. If you wish to hold a Panel Discussion, please let us know the Theme of the Panel and the proposed names of the panelists.

Abstracts of research papers in not more than 300 words typed in double space A-4 size paper with an extra page, if needed, for references, may be submitted to the undersigned as per schedule given below. The abstract should, on the top, contain information with regard to specific session in which it is intended to be presented.

Last date for submitting the Abstract: October 30, 2009
Communication regarding acceptance of the Abstract: November 15, 2009
Submission of Paper: December 15, 2009.

You can send your abstract through email e-mail:

Indian and Russian delegates Rs. 500/-
Other Foreign delegates US.$ 100/- ( students will pay half of this amount)
Local delegates and Students Rs.200/-
Registration fee can be paid up on arrival.

Weather in Patiala is generally cold ( 5-10 degree Celsius) during the 1st half of the month of January. Woolen clothes would be needed.

Free accommodation and hospitality will be provided by the organizers in the University Guest Houses /hostels.

Patron: Dr. Jaspal Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Punjabi University, Patiala.
Director: Prof. Joga Singh
Secretaries: Dr. Roop Krishan Bhat, Dr. Rajesh Sharma
Members: Prof Baldev Singh Cheema, Dr. Amarjeet Kaur, S. Gurbax Singh, Dr. Anwar Chirag, Dr. Devinder Singh

Contact for Information and Registration:
Joga Singh, Ph.D. (York, U.K.)
Professor & Head
Department of Linguistics & Punjabi Lexicography
Punjabi University, Patiala – 147 002 (Punjab)
Office: +91-175-304-6240 Home: +91-175-2281582
Mobile: +91-9872471582
E-mail: "" \t "_blank" ""

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scholarship to study Masters Program in Linguistics and Communication Technologies

Institution/Organization: Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT)
Web Address:

Level: MA / MSc

Duties: Research

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics
Language Technology, Computer Science


Scholarships available in the Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Language and
Communication Technologies

The following consortium of Universities:
1. Saarland University in Saarbruecken, Germany (coordinator)
2. Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Italy
3. University of Malta
4. University of Nancy 2, France
5. Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
6. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands

are offering the European Masters Program in Language and Communication
(LCT; under the auspices of the Erasmus
Program of the European Union

The Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies is
an international distributed Master of Science course. The program involves
studying one year at one of the Universities of the consortium, and completing
the second year with a stay in one of the other partner Universities. After
this, the student will obtain two degrees at the level of Masters with legal
value in each of the countries of issue.

Objectives: The Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Language and Communication
Technologies provides students with profound knowledge and insight into the
various disciplines that contribute to the methods of language and communication
technologies and it strengthens their ability to work according to scientific
. Moreover, the students acquire practice-oriented knowledge by choosing
appropriate combinations of modules in Language Technology, Computational and
Theoretical Linguistics, and Computer Science. As such, the European Masters
Program in LCT is designed to meet the demands of industry and research in the
rapidly growing area of Language Technology. It offers education and training
opportunities for future generations of leaders in research and innovation.

Duration: 2 years (120 ECTS credits)
Language of instruction: English

Summary of Study Programme: The course consists of compulsory core modules, as
well as elective advanced modules in Language Technology and Computer Science,
optionally complemented by a project, and completed by a Masters dissertation.

Application Deadlines: Applications to the LCT and the Erasmus Mundus
Scholarships scheme for the academic years 2010-2012 commence on the 15th of
August 2009 and can be made

Applicants must satisfy the following study requirements:
1. a Bachelor degree or equivalent in the area of (Computational) Linguistics,
Language Technology, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics,
Artificial Intelligence, or other relevant disciplines.
2. Proficiency in English (for non-native speakers) must be certified by one of
the following (for more details, please check
a. TOEFL score of at least 250 (computer-based test) or 575 (paper-based test).
b. Cambridge Proficiency Exam - pass
c. IELTS - > 6.5
d. Possession of a first degree taught in English
e. Internet-based TOEFL score: 79

Please, note that applicants from countries where English is not the only native
language do need one of the certificates mentioned above.

For detailed info on applications, please, check the web pages:

For further information please contact Dr. Valia Kordoni.

Program coordinators:
Prof. Hans Uszkoreit (
Dr. Valia Kordoni (

Further contacts can be found at:

Application Deadline: 08-Jan-2010

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Dr. Valia Kordoni
Phone:+49 681 302 4682
Fax:+49 681 302 4700

Friday, August 21, 2009

Call for papers: 30th LSN

30th Annual Conference of Linguistic Society of Nepal
November 26-27, 2009
First Circular (July 2009)

The Annual Conference of Linguistic Society of Nepal is an annually convening, open scholarly forum for scholars who work on the languages of Nepal and all the Himalayan languages as well.
The Executive Committee of the Linguistic Society of Nepal (LSN) takes pleasure in announcing the 30th Annual Conference of Linguistic Society of Nepal to be held on November 26-27, 2009 in Kirtipur, Kathmandu.

The main theme for the conference is 'Language endangerment and documentation in Nepal'. We invite abstracts for presentations on topics including, but not limited to:

Historical Linguistics
Semantics and lexical studies
Mother-tongue education
Indigenous languages
Corpus and computational linguistics
Natural language processing
Typological studies
Field Linguistics
Language Documentation
Applied linguistics

Submission Procedure
Abstracts limited to 500 words should be submitted electronically as MS word (doc.) of PDF file.
Please include your name, affiliation, address and title of your paper in the body of the message, as well as contact information: email, mobile number and land line phone number if possible!

Address for abstract:
Deadline for Abstracts: October 1, 2009

Contact information
The organizers of the 30th LSN can be contacted through: